This is a general recommendation for any unfamiliar area, but should be followed in Casablanca as well: Avoid traveling alone at night. If staying with a group is not an option, make sure to remain in lighted areas and take safe modes of transportation (car or taxi). Walking alone at night is never a good idea, especially for women.
Although it is not a major concern, street crime and petty theft does occur in Casablanca. Don’t carry around large amounts of money, and avoid wearing expensive jewelry or looking flashy. Drawing un-needed attention to one’s self is never a good idea. Try blending into the crown instead of sticking out.
Visit the Morocco Safety Website for information about certain scams that are aimed towards tourists in busy cities.
Heading to the beach poses certain dangers. Valuables should never be left unattended at the beach. Doing so is asking for trouble. Also, visit the American Red Cross website for some useful water safety tips. source : www.tripadvisor.com