Casablanca can be visited year round, but certain months are more comfortable than others.
The summer months between July and September are generally the hottest of the year, during which time daily high temperatures will frequently climb into the 90’s. The climate however is arid, so humidity is not an issue. The evenings and nights during these summer months will cool down enough for comfortable sleeping temperatures.
The coolest time of the year is during the winter months of December through February, during which time the daily high temperatures will reach into the 60’s. During these months, the evening and night temperatures will drop down to the upper 40’s and lower 50’s.
The wettest months of the year are November, December and January. But even during these months, it will only rain one out of five days on average. It never snows in Casablanca, even during the coldest winter days. The driest months of the year are June, July and August, during which time it will rarely, if ever rain.
For a detailed forecast, check out Weather in Casablanca . For more temperature and precipitation averages, check out Monthly Averages in Casablanca .
Casablanca Weather & When to Go
Libellés : Casablanca, temperature, Weather