Also well known throughout the world is Morocco's cuisine, a style of cooking that uses lots of spices, fish, and dried fruits. Along with this cuisine is the country's argan oil, a nutritious oil extracted from the nut of a tree that grows only in southern Morocco. It is used in cooking in much the same way that olive oil is, as well as for medical and cosmetic purposes. The area is also famous for its mint tea. This drink is served throughout the country and is seen as a symbol of friendship.
Essaouira Health & Safety
Unlike many places in the Middle East, Morocco has a thriving tourist economy and is considered to be safe for travelers for the most part. However, if you are going to Essaouira, a large tourist destination, it is smart to keep a few key points in mind in order to avoid becoming the victim of tourist-aimed crime, something which is prevalent in the region. Always use your hotel's safe. Do not carry valuables on your person or carry more cash that needed. Men should avoid carrying wallets in their back pockets and women should pay close attention to their bags while dining or riding in buses or taxis. Avoid going out at night alone, especially on foot. It is better to hire a taxi, even if you are only going a short distance. Also be sure that you have all of your immigration papers in order, and to carry a copy of your passport with you at all times, not the real thing. That should be kept in a safe place. Be sure also to have emergency numbers for the police and fire department on hand.