The United States of America is a vast country with a diverse culture and abundant beauty. Renowned for its vibrant cities, proud history and bustling commerce, the United States attracts visitors the world over who flock to the many exciting vacation spots and lively metropolitan areas across the country. The people of the United States, hailing from origins as wide and diverse as the world has to offer, are drawn together by a shared desire to forge their own paths toward independence and fulfillment. Their many struggles and pursuit of the ideals forged by the country’s founders have made the United States a unique and powerful country with ample wonders to discover.
With its widely varied terrain and immense size, the United States has something for almost any traveler. Experience the bustling metropolitan atmosphere of destinations such as New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles or Boston, and find exciting shopping or take in some of the many museums and art galleries that are available in the country’s vibrant urban areas. If you are interested in natural beauty, you will find breathtaking canyons and rock formations in Utah and Arizona. Adventurers can enjoy abundant skiing, snowboarding and trekking opportunities in Colorado in the winter, and several exciting areas for hiking, biking and climbing in the summer. Take your chances in the casinos and see the eye-catching nightlife of Las Vegas or Atlantic City. If a relaxing vacation on a warm, sunny beach is your preference, escape to the tropical paradise of Hawaii or spread out along one of the many beaches lining the west and east coasts of the U.S. There is so much to see and experience; the possibilities are limitless.
United States Weather
The Weather in New York - America [US].
Since the US spans thousands of miles, there is always a good time to visit. If you don't like the weather in one part of the country, you can simply go elsewhere.
The Great Lakes region gets plenty of snow during the winter (due to the lake effect), as does upstate New York. Western Massachusetts will usually get more snow than Boston . However, it can get hot in these areas during the summer and most Bostonians and New Yorkers can attest to the fact that humid weather really gives the heat an extra kick.